I always wonder what keeps My Foodcourt going? I am not someone who is very good with words , and so the writeup on posts are usually quite small and only occasionally elaborate. My food-photos are ok but not exceptional;I get on an average 5-7 minutes to photograph any of my recipes, before my little one decides it is high time he took charge of the camera! Then what is it? Of course I love your feedback and encouragement, the most important thing that keeps me going. And then there are recipes like these which I love to share with…
Ambadichi Bhaji (Sour greens curry)
Ambadi greens (Gongura/Sour greens) are widely used in various preparations in many parts of India. What makes this quintessential Maharashtrian recipe so unique, is the use of Jowar ‘Kani’( broken Jowar grains or use Jowar Dalia).The tart leaves are cooked together with the broken Jowar, some Toovar/Arhar Dal, peanuts and then tempered with lots of garlic, to make this comforting Ambadichi bhaji. This bhaji can be served as a light meal on its own or you can serve this with Bhakri or Roti.