My experiments with cooking go way back, when I stayed in a hostel for my higher studies. The ‘Mess’ (literally) food was good just to satisfy the stomach, not the palate. I really missed my mom’s food then. I still do.
A self confessed foodie, I love trying out new recipes. I am not a health freak; but I enjoy recipes that add nutritional value to food- Specially when I am cooking for my kids.

Giving up a lucrative career tinkering with Analytical equipments, I now prefer to tinker in my Food lab- developing new recipes & satisfying my culinary travel cravings. I am happy to share my culinary experiments and some heirloom recipes here in my virtual kitchen.On My Foodcourt, you can find simple comfort food recipes -predominantly Maharashtrian, along with some fusion recipes/experiments.

I am based in the ‘Winecapital’ of India-Nasik. I bake to feed my soul and love to photograph food since it makes such a patient subject 🙂

I would love to hear from you. To get in touch with me:
E-Mail : m.foodcourt@gmail.com
Facebook : My Foodcourt
Twitter: www.twitter.com\madhuliajay
Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/madhuliajay/